Capturing the Cosmos

Imagine being able to see more than astronomers have ever been able to see before. What would it be like to peer back in cosmic time, into the vast blackness of space and witness how the universe has evolved into what we see around us today.

There’s a whole lot of sky up there. And not only are we starting to discover what’s in it, but we’re starting to see how it all fits together. 

Capturing the Cosmos is a new show created by Melbourne Planetarium in partnership with CAASTRO, the Commonwealth-funded ARC Centre for All-sky Astrophysics.

Narrated by Academy Award-winner Geoffrey Rush and written & directed by Dr Tanya Hill, astronomer and Planetarium Manager at Museum Victoria.  

Capturing the Cosmos explores CAASTRO’s cutting edge research about our place in space. In conjunction with Dr Tanya Hill’s talented team of animators and filmmakers, CAASTRO research has been brought to life in this stunning fulldome planetarium show which explores the earliest processes in the universe and the forces that have shaped it since.

Focusing on all-sky data collected from next-generation telescopes – such as the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) and SkyMapper that feature in Capturing the Cosmos, CAASTRO brings together Australia’s and the world’s top astronomers to revolutionise the way we understand the cosmos.

Capturing the Cosmos is the result of a two-year collaboration between Museum Victoria and CAASTRO, and its launch will be a major collaborative effort that spans across the country to reach out to the stars.

To mark this special event, Capturing the Cosmos will be launched from Melbourne Planetarium at 7pm Monday 21 March (AEDT) and will be released nationally across Australia.

Capturing the Cosmos will be officially launched by Nobel Prize winning astronomer and CAASTRO member Professor Brian SchmidtFor more info, checkout Sciencework's website.