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STEM Workshop: Strength is a Superpower at Scienceworks

Half-day STEM workshop exploring the requirements of strong materials and how clever engineering can make difficult tasks easier.

There are many ways to measure strength, and you might be surprised to learn the strongest animal isn’t always the largest. In this half day STEM workshop, we explore the requirements of strong materials and how clever engineering can make difficult tasks easier.

During the workshop, participants will view one of Scienceworks’ most entertaining science shows, have a chat with an expert scientist, and take part in a STEM challenge inspired by exoskeletons.

This workshop is for girls and non-binary people aged 10-12.

Tickets include Scienceworks entry and workshop participation for the participant. It also includes an entry ticket for the accompanying adult bringing the child on site.

More workshops in October and November 2023.

More info & tickets here.