Little Organics
If you love organic food and products for your little one(s), you should definitely pop in to have a look and have a chat with Doan. If you cannot pop in, she has an online store and ships everywhere so checkout her website.
Left side of the store
Right side of the store
There is a small play area with toys for little ones to play with while parents and carers shop. Little Miss loved a play and snacking on organic food while we were there! She will quite easily load me up with food to buy if I don't stop her!
Our purchases - well almost as little miss ate some while we were there haha!
Little Organics are holding a few events this month so checkout the events below if you are interested or follow them on social media to find out about specials, events etc.
Events taking place soon at Little Organics:
1. The Gut/Brain Connection with Louise Macartney from Health In Your Home
2. Imagination Yoga with Siouxie Solar on Saturday May 16th 10am for 3-5 yr olds. Book your mat now for you and your toddler. Class costs: $15 or $12 (VIP)