NGV Triennial - Review - Melbourne
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
Artist Xu Zhen explores Buddhist aspects of his own cultural heritage and various traditional depictions of the Buddha with a 15.8m long replica of a reclining Buddha sculpture on which he places 3D scanned and cast replicas of classical Greco-Roman, Renaissance and Neoclassical sculptures in order to break down cultural boundaries and promote cross-cultural understanding.
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
Your little ones will love We Make Carpets from The Netherlands. In an Australian premiere, Dutch art collective We Make Carpets has created a spectacular exhibition for children and families in which the floors and walls of the children’s gallery will be covered in vividly colourful murals created with household objects, including kitchen sponges, Velcro squares, pegs, pool noodles and coloured rope.
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
Visitors are also encouraged to add to the kaleidoscopic patterns by adding objects directly to the walls and floors of the gallery. Something tells me the kids will spend hours there!
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
Yayoi Kusama's NEW participatory work invites visitors to completely cover a purpose-built apartment with 3D flowers and flower stickers! We love Yayoi Kusama's obliteration concept and this exhibit is so much fun!
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
Shift your perception of space in Pae White’s boundary-pushing installation. Love this colourful installation!
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
teamLab's interactive and immersive installation from this famous Japanese ‘ultratechnologist’ design collective has created a ‘vortex’ using a digital floor which responds as water would to the audience’s presence and movement.
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
Ron Mueck’s world-premiere installation, Mass, 2016-17 is one of twenty large-scale new artworks that have been especially commissioned by the NGV for this exhibition. Reminiscent of the catacombs in Paris, the awe-inspiring work by one of Australia’s leading sculptors has been generously supported by the Felton Bequest. The 100 hand-cast skulls, each measure 1.5m and collectively weigh approximately 5 tonnes!
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
Alexandra Kehayoglou's monumental 46m2 carpet landscape titled Santa Cruz River impressively documents one of Argentina’s most contested landscapes. Take your shoes off and walk on Alexandra's beautiful landscape and don't forget to look up.
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
Don't forget to pop in the NGV Garden and checkout the 2017 NGV Architecture Commission: Entitled Garden Wall by Retallack Thompson and Other Architects. The elegantly-designed structure comprises over 260 white walls clad in transparent woven mesh, which offer visitors the opportunity to rediscover NGV’s Grollo Equiset Garden. How cute is this pic from Melbourne Minor, love it!
Photo credit: @melbourneminor @busycitykids
The NGV Triennial will be on display at NGV International from Friday 15th December 2017 to Sunday 15th April 2018. Entry is FREE.
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