Dinos Alive is a dinosaur exhibition featuring life-size animated replicas in an immersive Jurassic venue. Walk alongside the massive creatures that roamed our world millions of years ago!
Go back millions of years to a land ruled by giants! This immersive experience brings you face to face with the fearsome and spectacular dinosaurs that dominated the animal world for 140 million years. From the turkey-sized Velociraptors to the mighty T-rex, interact with life-sized, moving animatronics of a large variety of species, and see these magnificent creatures in their natural Jurassic habitat. Step into another world and learn something new in an experience that's fun for the whole family!
Travel back to the Jurassic in a thematic park full of realistic dinosaurs—see these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat!
Come face to face with over 80 specimens of life-sized, moving replicas: T-rex, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Velociraptors, and many more
Dive into the depths of the seas and interact with Jurassic sea giants in a unique virtual aquarium
Learn more about the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods in a fun and interactive way
Immerse yourself to the fullest with a captivating VR experience
Kids can enjoy a “Budding experts” interactive space, where they can become paleontologists and tame the most iconic dinosaurs
General Info:
Date and time: select your date & time directly in the ticket selector
Tickets on sale: Tuesday 10th September at 6 pm so come back then!
Location: Fever Pavilion, Sydney Olympic Blvd, Sydney Olympic Park
Duration: the visit will take approx. 60–75 minutes
Age requirement: All ages are welcome
Safety measures will be in place throughout the experience
More info & buy tickets here.
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