No Love Songs (Cancelled)
No Love Songs brings alive the joys and struggles of Jessie (Joyce) and Lana (Maunder) as they navigate the challenges of their new lives as parents.
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Events are listed below from their starting date. Please note: While we make every effort to have accurate events information including date & time, we cannot guarantee that the event is running as it may change without our knowledge. Please check the More Information link to make sure the event is on - thank you and have fun with the family in Canberra!
No Love Songs brings alive the joys and struggles of Jessie (Joyce) and Lana (Maunder) as they navigate the challenges of their new lives as parents.
The 2024 Royal Canberra Show has Something For Everyone.
Following four sell-out Australian tours and two smash hit seasons in London’s West End, Dr Chris and Dr Xand are back with the epic Quest for the Jurassic Fart!. Join the twins on a dino-mite adventure to unearth the most dangerous, most powerful, most important fart in history—the Jurassic Fart!!
For over a decade the award winning Listies have toured the world doing shows for literally gazillions of kidults (that’s kids and their adults). Now it’s your turn.
The Wiggles, Wiggle & Learn BIG SHOW! is an interactive and engaging live show experience, inspired by the hit YouTube series. An unforgettable musical extravaganza, Wiggle & Learn BIG SHOW! is set to spark creativity, curiosity and a love of learning through The Wiggles’ signature mix of education & entertainment.
Peter and the Starcatcher, the smash hit Broadway production and winner of 5 Tony Awards, will have its Australian premiere, coming to Canberra in 2024.