Ninja Kids Hornsby in Sydney
Last weekend, we headed to the NEW Ninja Kids location in Hornsby on the Sydney North Shore to attend their Open Day to the public. We reviewed their first centre in Brookvale back in 2018 and have been attending various birthday parties there ever since. The kids always have fun whenever we go so the opening of the new Hornsby site was a sure thing.
Photo credit: @busycitykids
The Open Day ended up being a massive success with 383 kids attending, having lots of fun in the process! It was very busy however the kids still had fun and it made them resilient and fast thinkers when it came to finding an activity to do and to quickly navigate to allow others to take part! The team was amazing and super helpful especially given the sheer volume of kids taking part!
Photo credit: @busycitykids
The new Ninja Kids Hornsby site is located in the industrial estate of Hornsby with parking onsite and nearby streets so we had no issues getting there and parking. The kids wasted no time to get amongst it after I signed their waiver. They started off with the first pit with monkey bars and sausages as they call them ha! Sorry no technical wordings from us.
Photo credit: @busycitykids
The next pit saw them climbing cheese slices as they call them, something that little Mister was very obsessed with and tried over and over again until he got to the end parts, very proud of his efforts! There is also hoops on the other side.
Photo credit: @busycitykids
The other front foam put had various hoops, ropes, trapeze, foam tower and more climbing for the kids to try out.
Photo credit: @busycitykids
And the final part of the large Ninja pit had semi bouncy ball obstacles as well as a flying fox.
Photo credit: @busycitykids
Photo credit: @busycitykids
The kids enjoyed rock climbing on the side station as well as attempting to use the long monkey bar and the glass box.
Photo credit: @busycitykids
Photo credit: @busycitykids
Photo credit: @busycitykids
There was also the climbing wall with a red button at the very top which proved very popular too.
Photo credit: @busycitykids
It was a great open day full of kids taking on the Ninja obstacles and improving their confidence, co-ordination, flexibility, gross motor skills, overall as well as core strength and above all having fun!
Both Ninja Kids Brookvale and Ninja Kids Hornsby provide Ninja Kids Classes during the week & weekends as well as Ninja Kids Birthday Parties, Ninja Kids Holiday Programs and accept Service NSW Active Kids Voucher so there’s plenty of options for Ninja Kids lovers!
Busy City Kids were hosted by the Ninja Kids Hornsby on this Open Day for the public. We attended the open day for the purposes of a review. Travel & parking was self funded. All opinions & feedback are genuine & truthful.
For more information regarding Ninja Kids Hornsby or the Brookvale location, head to their website.