No Love Songs
No Love Songs brings alive the joys and struggles of Jessie (Joyce) and Lana (Maunder) as they navigate the challenges of their new lives as parents.
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No Love Songs brings alive the joys and struggles of Jessie (Joyce) and Lana (Maunder) as they navigate the challenges of their new lives as parents.
No Love Songs brings alive the joys and struggles of Jessie (Joyce) and Lana (Maunder) as they navigate the challenges of their new lives as parents.
This liberating adaptation by Johnna Wright and Patty Jamieson, which world premiered at the 2022 Shaw Festival, is a gripping, reimagined thriller of daring and doubt.
Join us for a workshop on creating designs for set and costumes for live performance. Learn about theatrical design and creative world building for the stage.
With all the hallmarks of Victorian Gothic, refreshed with intriguing new insights, GASLIGHT is a thrilling theatrical experience.
Daring, innovative and bold, Parade offers both moral lessons and a timely reminder, as Simon Wiesenthal said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” This could not be more relevant in our world today.