Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review

This week, the Sydney Opera House opened the Centre for Creativity – a purpose-built space for hands-on experiences. The Centre is home to the Opera House’s world-renowned Children, Families and Creative Learning program, along with new and expanded programming including STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) and other initiatives.

During our visit to the Sydney Opera House for a show, we popped in the Centre for Creativity to experience House Warming party! led by visual artist Rosie Deacon which is free and on until the 16th Jan 2022, to book head here.

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review Rosie Deacon

Photo credit: @busycitykids

At the entrance, kids can make a paper seagull puppet and venture through a fluorescent walkway filled with koalas and other creatures leading them to more hands-on activities.

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review

Photo credit: @busycitykids

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review Rosie Deacon

Photo credit: @busycitykids

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review

Photo credit: @busycitykids

Another space had overhanging pom pom snakes and invited kids to make their own pom pom to contribute to the art piece or to take home. Little Miss loved this activity!

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review

Photo credit: @busycitykids

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review

Photo credit: @busycitykids

Little Miss also had the pleasure of meeting Rosie Deacon who showed her the felt koalas she had made along with suggestions on what to make during our visit. We loved how inviting and colourful the space was.

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review Rosie Deacon

Photo credit: @busycitykids

Photo credit: @busycitykids

In another creative space, little Mister and his friend made felt creatures as well as a pet rock to contribute to the rock centrepiece at the entrance.

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review

Photo credit: @busycitykids

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review Rosie Deacon

Photo credit: @busycitykids

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review Rosie Deacon

Photo credit: @busycitykids

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review Rosie Deacon

Photo credit: @busycitykids

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review Rosie Deacon

Photo credit: @busycitykids

We loved the House Warming installation by Rosie Deacon and cannot wait for more kids activities and hands-on experiences in the Centre for Creativity in the near future, thank you Sydney Opera House!

Sydney Opera House - Centre for Creativity - Sydney - Review

Photo credit: @busycitykids

For more information about the Sydney Opera House’s Centre for Creativity, head here.
